ul.Universitetskaya, 50, building 1, office 419, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249025
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Publications on LPCS DYMET

A.K.Nedaivoda, Yu.O.Bahvalov, V.i.Miheev, V.A.Polovtzev. Composite Coatings Produced by “Cold” Gas Dynamic Spraying Technology. “Polyot”, №11, 2002, p.19-25. polet-2002.pdf [888.28 KB] (Скачиваний: 4)
Spiridonov P.N., Kashirin A.I., Klyuyev O.F., Shkodkin A.V. and Buzdygar T.V. Usage of Gas Dynamic Metal Deposition in Restoration of Worn, Damaged or Defective Metal Parts. Proc. 52nd WTIA Annual Conference "Operating Plant, Resources & Equipment” – (OPRE) 2nd International Conference, 2004, Brisbane, Australia.
Spiridonov P.N., Kashirin A.I., Klyuyev O.F., Shkodkin A.V. and Buzdygar T.V. Anti-corrosive coatings by Gas Dynamic Metal Deposition. Proc. 52nd WTIA Annual Conference "Operating Plant, Resources & Equipment” – (OPRE) 2nd International Conference, 2004, Brisbane, Australia.
A.Shkodkin, A.Kashirin, O.Klyuev, T.Buzdygar. The basic principles of DYMET technology. - Building on 100 Years of Success: Proceedings of the 2006 International Thermal Spray Conference (Seattle, USA), B.R. Marple, M.M. Hyland, Y.C. Lau, R.S. Lima, and J. Voyer, Eds., May 15-18, 2006 (Seattle, WA, USA), ASM International, 2006. seattle-2006.pdf [681.08 KB] (Скачиваний: 4)
A.V.Shkodkin, A.I.Kashirin. Determination of the parameters of the process of gas-dynamic deposition of metallic coatings. – Welding International, 2006, V. 20, N 2, pp.161-164. welding-international-2006.compressed.pdf [1.31 MB] (Скачиваний: 6)
A.Shkodkin, A.Kashirin, O.Klyuev, T.Buzdygar. Metal particles deposition stimulation by surface abrasive treatment in gas dynamic spraying. – Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2006, V. 15, N 3, pp.382-386. journal-of-thermal-spray-technology-2006.pdf [388.61 KB] (Скачиваний: 5)
P.N. Spiridonov, A.I. Kashirin, O.F. Klyuyev, A.V. Shkodkin and T.V. Buzdygar. Dynamic Metallisation - Cost effective way to repair light metal castings. – Proceedings of Die Casting Conf., October 9, Australia, 2006.
A. Kashirin, O. Klyuev, T. Buzdygar, A. Shkodkin. DYMET Technology Evolution and Application. - Global Coating Solutions: Proceedings of the 2007 International Thermal Spray Conference (Beijing, China), (Ed.) B.R. Marple, M.M. Hyland, Y.-C. Lau, C.-J. Li, R.S. Lima, and G. Montavon. ASM International, 2007, p.141-145. international-thermal-spray-conference-2007.pdf [473.12 KB] (Скачиваний: 4)
T. Buzdygar, A. Kashirin, O. Klyuev, A.Shkodkin. Sealing Up the Holes by Gas Dynamic Spraying. – Thermal Spray Crossing Borders: Proceedings of the 2008 International Thermal Spray Conference (Maastricht, Netherlands), (Ed.) E. Lugscheider. DVS Verlag, 2008, p.51. itsc-2008-maastriht-1.pdf [1.21 MB] (Скачиваний: 5)
A. Shkodkin, A. Kashirin, O. Klyuev. Substrate Properties Influence on the Coating Deposition by DYMET Technology. - Thermal Spray Crossing Borders: Proceedings of the 2008 International Thermal Spray Conference (Maastricht, Netherlands), (Ed.) E. Lugscheider. DVS Verlag, 2008, p.39. itsc-2008-maastriht-2.pdf [242.74 KB] (Скачиваний: 3)
E.Irissou, J.-G.Legoux, A.N.Ryabinin, B.Jodoin, and C.Moreau.Review on Cold Spray Process and Technology: Part I—Intellectual Property. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Volume 17(4) December 2008, p. 495-516. obzor-2008.pdf [862.58 KB] (Скачиваний: 2)
А.Shkodkin, A. Kashirin, O. Klyuev, T.Buzdygar. Peculiarities of Gas Dynamic Spray Applications in Russia. Presentation on Canadian Cold Spray Conference, 2nd CCSC 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ccsc-canada-2010.pdf [1.54 MB] (Скачиваний: 4)
P.N. Spiridonov, A.I. Kashirin and A.V. Shkodkin. Corrosion Protection with the Dymet Coatings. http://www.materialsaustralia.com.au/, December 2010, р.31-33. materialsaustralia.pdf [161.89 KB] (Скачиваний: 3)
Kashirin A., Klyuev O., Buzdygar T., Shkodkin A., Modern Applications of the Low Pressure Cold Spray, Hamburg, ITSC-2011 hamburg_2011-1.pdf [272.61 KB] (Скачиваний: 6)
J.Villafuerte, W.Zheng. Corrosion Protection of Magnesium Alloys by Cold Spray. Magnesium-alloys, 2011, p.185-194 villafuerte.pdf [527.19 KB] (Скачиваний: 3)
H.Koiluvuoto, M.Kylmalahti, P.Vuoristo. Properties of low-pressure cold-pressure sprayed coatings for repairing of casting defects. ITSI-2011 koiluivoto-et-al.-itsi-2011.pdf [934 KB] (Скачиваний: 5)
Basov A.A., Klochkova M.A., Maklin I.D. On the Feasibility of Using “Cold” Gas Dynamic Spraying of a Heat-conducting Powder to Provide Thermal Contact Betveen Structural Elements. “Kosmicheskaya tehnika I tehnologii”. № 3 (6)/2014, p.64-70. kosmicheskaya-tehnika-i-tehnologii-2014.pdf [2.2 MB] (Скачиваний: 3)
A.Shkodkin, A. Kashirin, O. Klyuev, T. Buzdygar. The Optional Facilities for the Low Pressure Cold Spray. ITSC-2013, Busan. busan-itsc-2013.pdf [1.12 MB] (Скачиваний: 7)